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Other PCA Sites:
PCA Companies
Performance Consultants of America
PCA Advisory Services
PCA Financial Services
PCA Asset Management
PCA Credit & Capital Solutions
PCA Tax & Information Management

Statement of Purpose

Our concern is the lack of comprehensive and integrated systems solutions to address effectiveness issues. Where issues in one part of our life may have impact on every other part. Issues, regardless how they are categorized, do not exist within a vacuum. Content exists inside a context - within a system. Each part (or element of a system) has impact on the system. Physical, mental, or emotional dimensions of an individual's life have impact on job performance and personal relationships. Effectiveness, or the lack thereof, in any one part of life can have impact on every other part. Similarly, individuals affect organizations and organizations affect individuals. In short, no single part of life is an island unto itself. System relationships exist between individuals and organizations. So real and credible solutions must focus on all rather than just some issues within an entire system. This is most important when multiple vendors provide solutions for related effectiveness issues.

Regarding related effectiveness issues, we want to assure that:
When multiple specialty vendors are required for addressing related effectiveness issues - the vendors will work together harmoniously and in cooperation so that a system solution for all effectiveness issues is the sole recommendation.

The values we honor and respect in our pursuit of these desirable changes include:

Intellectual Responsibility Providing scientifically appropriate, precise, timely, reliable, and useful information.
Cost Effectiveness Producing more and better results with less cost and less effort for everyone concerned.
Comprehensiveness Attending to the full range of information that composes the entire process of effectiveness - from beginning to end.
Vision Promoting and practicing awareness of the "big picture" of effectiveness as a foundation for balanced action and balanced results.
Competence Acquiring and maintaining the skills necessary to provide exceptional service.
Inspiration Operating from an environment and service delivery presense that is consciously selected for elevating and transporting the human spirit to a grand, magnificent and breathtaking space that is unequivocally well beyond the mundane, ordinary and commonplace in our field - a quality firm, delivering quality service with quality tools from a quality environment.

Copyright 2019, The PCA Companies. All Rights Reserved

Mission Statement

The PCA group of companies is a joint venture enterprise designed to provide our clients - individuals and organizations - with systems solutions for increasing effectiveness, generally, through our partner organization Performance Consultants of America, and financial effectiveness, specifically, through the specialized companies below:

The five member firms of the PCA Companies are:

PCA Advisory Services

PCA Financial Services

PCA Asstet Management

PCA Credit & Capital Solutions

PCA Tax & Information Management

The PCA Companies make our desired contribution by providing comprehensive and integrated systems solutions that give our clients the technical information, systems, services, and resources they need to increase their effectiveness.

The PCA Companies systems solutions include:

* Systems solution for increasing individual and financial effectiveness - where the systems relationship between life planning and financial planning receives realistic and appropriate attention on an ongoing basis.

* Systems solution for increasing organizational effectiveness and financial effectiveness which includes:

* Systems solution for the financial effectiveness of the organization acquiring capital.

* Systems solution for the professional effectiveness of people affiliated with organizations - where greater balance is created between personal and profesional effectiveness and where outcomes-oriented role descriptions skillfully link starting purposes with ending results.

* Systems solution for the compensation and benefits effectiveness of employers and the people they employ. Where Comprehensive Financial and Legal Effectiveness ® systems solutions are routinely delivered and where emphasis is placed on the high-impact, typically neglected and frequently ignored financial needs of employer and employee clients and all the people who are part of their world.

* Systems solution for the managerial effectiveness of guiding members of organizations. Where the concerted effectiveness of individuals affects the performance of the group as a whole.

The PCA Companies make our contribution to clients and member firms by emphasizing our distinctive competence as a:

Research an Development Organization

Marketing Organization

Training Organization

Planning Organization

Consulting Organization

and a

Public Speaking & Publishing Organization

As a training and consulting organization we teach both individual and organizational effectiveness skills, and business and personal financial management skills.

By emphasizing our distinctive competence we appropriately serve our clients and stakeholders and perform in the upper pentile of our industry
- definitively demonstrating that we are a performance leader.

Copyright 2019, The PCA Companies. All Rights Reserved

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