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PCA Tax & Information Management

Statement of Purpose

Our concern is the general lack of availability of systems solutions for small organizations, families, and individuals. Typical offerings address symptoms of narrowly defined problems rather than system-related issues that are causing both symptoms and problems. The result is solving one problem while creating another that is less obvious to to the client. In general, Systems solutions are not proposed because few firms have access to such solutions - solutions that address all the issues with respect to effectiveness. Solving specific financial problems can be useful but, problems, financial or otherwise, do not exist in a vacuum. Each exists within a context (within a system).Few firms provide systems solutions. Fewer still provide systems solutions that are comprehensive. Fewest of all provide systems solutions that are comprehensive and integrated. Addressing all issues that impact clients' effectiveness is a rare commodity indeed.

Regarding Small Organizations we want to ensure that:

 • small organizations have ready access to the full range of systems and services required for meeting their organizational development and organizational financial effectiveness needs - accounting, planning, training, consulting.

Regarding Individuals and Families we want to ensure that:

 • individuals and families have ready access to the full range of systems and services required for meeting their effectiveness and financial effectiveness needs.

The values we honor and respect in our pursuit of these desirable changes include:

Intellectual Responsibility Providing scientifically appropriate, precise, timely, reliable, and useful information.
Cost Effectiveness Producing more and better results with less cost and less effort for everyone concerned.
Comprehensiveness Attending to the full range of information that composes the entire process of effectiveness - from beginning to end.
Vision Promoting and practicing awareness of the "big picture" of effectiveness as a foundation for balanced action and balanced results.
Competence Acquiring and maintaining the skills necessary to provide exceptional service.
Inspiration Operating from an environment and service delivery presense that is consciously selected for elevating and transporting the human spirit to a grand, magnificent and breathtaking space that is unequivocally well beyond the mundane, ordinary and commonplace in our field - a quality firm, delivering quality service with quality tools from a quality environment.

Copyright 2019, The PCA Companies. All Rights Reserved

Mission Statement

We Make our desired contribution by providing comprehensive and fully integrated financial effectiveness systems and services for our clients. Systems solutions for oranizations, families, and individuals.

We make our contribution to clients and member firms by emphasizing our distinctive competence as a:

Research an Development Organization

Marketing Organization

Training Organization

Planning Organization

Consulting Organization

and a

Public Speaking & Publishing Organization

As a training and consulting Organization we teach both: Individual and Organizational effectiveness skills and business and persanal financial management skills.

By emphasizing our distinctive competence we appropriately serve our clients and stakeholders and perform in the upper pentile of our industry - definitively demonstrating that we are a performance leader.

Copyright 2019, The PCA Companies. All Rights Reserved